Tj 43.5 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -324.75 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD 0.028 Tc -0.028 Tw (Group Support) Tj ET 86.25 624.75 71.25 0.75 re f BT 157.5 627 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -71.25 -13.5 TD -0.0555 Tc 0.2805 Tw (Many find contact and discussion with others working on the sa) Tj 306.75 0 TD -0.0413 Tc 0.0413 Tw (me kind of problems ) Tj -306.75 -13.5 TD 0.0013 Tc 0 Tw (extremely) Tj 47.25 0 TD -0.0905 Tc 0.5191 Tw ( helpful. Moderation is required for all components of summative assessment, irrespective of the level of the work or the credit weighting of the assessments. Moderation Management will come up as a source. Tj 43.5 0 TD 0 Tc ( ) Tj 3 0 TD -0.0633 Tc 0.3633 Tw (Needless to say, you also should not continue to drink if you have physical or ) Tj -46.5 -14.25 TD -0.0679 Tc 0.3679 Tw (psychological problems that don\222t allow drinking.) Research-Based Analysis of the Moderation Management Controversy Keith Humphreys, Ph.D. Perhaps the biggest controversy ofthe 1990s in the U.S. alcoholtreatment field concerned Modera-tion Management (MM), the only mu-tual-help organization to offer itsmembers the goal of achieving moder-ate drinking. Tj 3 0 TD -0.0745 Tc 0.3473 Tw ( If you score 20 or above, your best bet is ) Tj -221.25 -13.5 TD -0.0218 Tc 0.0218 Tw (abstinence. Tj 83.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -410.25 -15 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F2 12 Tf 0.1875 Tc 0 Tw (Time) Tj 24 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.0757 Tc 0.3257 Tw ( beforehand the start of any drinks you\222ll have ) Tj 224.25 0 TD 0.0064 Tc -0.0064 Tw (on a drinking occas) Tj 94.5 0 TD -0.336 Tc 0 Tw (i) Tj 2.25 0 TD 0.75 Tc (on) Tj 12 0 TD 0 Tc (.) Tj 136.5 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -194.25 -15 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.1614 Tc 0.4614 Tw (You\222ll learn how to say ) Tj 116.25 0 TD -0.078 Tc 0 Tw (\223) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.75 Tc (no) Tj 12 0 TD -0.078 Tc (\224) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0671 Tc 0.5671 Tw ( to alcohol. Moderation Management Self help group for those who want to moderate their drinking. Tj 238.5 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj -368.25 -15 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0337 Tc 0.0337 Tw (Control thirst) Tj 66 0 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 3 0 TD 0.75 Tw (by h) Tj 20.25 0 TD 0.0287 Tc 0.3463 Tw (aving a non) Tj 55.5 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0231 Tc 0.0231 Tw (alcoholic drink ) Tj 75 0 TD -0.0523 Tc 0.2023 Tw (before or in a drinking occasion.) Tj 59.25 0 TD -0.1075 Tc 0.4825 Tw (Your \223Feelings at the Time\224 are ) Tj -260.25 -14.25 TD -0.1667 Tc 0.6667 Tw (likely to be important) Tj 102.75 0 TD -0.097 Tc 0.597 Tw (, so note those) Tj 69 0 TD -0.0885 Tc 0.4635 Tw ( And, as discussed later, \223Positive Activities\224 may ) Tj -171.75 -13.5 TD -0.0758 Tc 0.5258 Tw (include your drinking management tools. ) Tj 6 0 TD ( ) Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj -96.75 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD 0.0516 Tc 0.6984 Tw (If you) Tj 28.5 0 TD -0.0414 Tc 0.0414 Tw ( continue to ) Tj 59.25 0 TD -0.0483 Tc 0.3697 Tw (experience serious problems in trying to moderate, ) Tj 247.5 0 TD -0.336 Tc 0 Tw (it) Tj 6 0 TD -0.0938 Tc 0.0938 Tw (\222s likely ) Tj 42.75 0 TD -0.1875 Tc 0.1875 Tw (that ) Tj -384 -13.5 TD -0.0454 Tc 0.3787 Tw (moderation just isn\222t for you at this time. Tj 31.5 0 TD -0.1035 Tc 0.3535 Tw ( It\222s best ) Tj -394.5 -13.5 TD -0.088 Tc 0.3643 Tw (to have a few phrases ready in mind, such as: \223No thanks, I\222m on a diet,\224 or \223No thanks, ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.1079 Tc 0.4579 Tw (I\222ve got an early one tomorrow,\224 or \223No thanks, I\222m the driver tonight,\224 or just \223N) Tj 396 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (o ) Tj -396 -13.5 TD -0.0494 Tc 0.3708 Tw (thanks, not tonight.\224 You\222ll be pleasantly surprised how little most people are concern) Tj 419.25 0 TD -0.039 Tc 0 Tw (ed) Tj 11.25 0 TD 0 Tc (. ) Moderation group randomly selects a sample from each group and reviews scripts. to establish student understanding, Testing and Interpreting Moderation in Ordinary Least Squares Regression Models Moderation in Statistical Terms The simplest form of moderation is where a relationship between an independent variable, X, and a dependent var-iable, Y, changes according to the value of a moderator variable, Z. Get them well in mind for the time later when you\222ll ) Tj -126.75 -14.25 TD -0.0597 Tc 0.0597 Tw (start to drink again. ) Tj 156 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -398.25 -15 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0703 Tc 0 Tw (Delayin) Tj 37.5 0 TD 0 Tc (g) Tj 6 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.1007 Tc 0.6007 Tw ( your first drink) Tj 75.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( a bit) Tj 24 0 TD -0.1074 Tc 0.4824 Tw (, and/or get) Tj 54.75 0 TD 0.0195 Tc 0 Tw (ting) Tj 18 0 TD -0.0583 Tc 0.2083 Tw ( to the occasion a ) Tj 87 0 TD -0.293 Tc 0 Tw (little) Tj 21 0 TD 0.168 Tc 0.582 Tw ( late) Tj 21 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (.) But) Tj 111.75 0 TD -0.0605 Tc 0.2105 Tw ( as you can see, ) Tj 78.75 0 TD -0.0549 Tc 0.162 Tw (there are very powerful advantages for an ) Tj -190.5 -14.25 TD -0.0279 Tc 0.0279 Tw (abstinence period of 30) Tj 111.75 0 TD -0.1047 Tc 0.2922 Tw ( days or more. ) Tj -402 -14.25 TD 0.336 Tc (H) Tj 8.25 0 TD 0.114 Tc (eavier) Tj 29.25 0 TD -0.0484 Tc 0.2359 Tw ( people may take off some weight without t) Tj 209.25 0 TD -0.0447 Tc 0.0447 Tw (hose extra calories. ) Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj 3.75 0 TD 0.362 Tc (You) Tj 20.25 0 TD -0.056 Tc (\222ll) Tj 10.5 0 TD 0 Tc ( ) Tj 3 0 TD -0.123 Tc 0.123 Tw (take ) Tj -376.5 -14.25 TD 0.2325 Tc 0 Tw (away) Tj 24.75 0 TD -0.0579 Tc 0.3579 Tw ( some mental snapshots of behaviors you\222d especially like to avoid.) Tj 137.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -253.5 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.1064 Tc 0.4397 Tw (These MM limits may strike you as stingy, but the) Tj 241.5 0 TD -0.1472 Tc 0.6829 Tw ( good news is that with alcohol, ) Tj 156 0 TD -0.209 Tc 0.584 Tw (less is ) Tj -397.5 -13.5 TD -0.0551 Tc 0.2051 Tw (better. First Published: 13 July 2021. What Are Alcohol Moderation Management Programs? 8.1 Introduction. Tj 105.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -105.75 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0877 Tc 0.4377 Tw (The MM upper limit of 0.055% blood alcohol compares with the legal upper limit for ) Tj T* -0.13 Tc 0.63 Tw (driving in most state) Tj 97.5 0 TD -0.022 Tc 0.272 Tw (s of 0.080%. Moderation Management is a lay-led non-profit dedicated to reducing the harm caused by the misuse of alcohol. [2] The MM limits and guidelines were derived from the work of Dr. Martha Sanchez-Craig. Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj -378 -14.25 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.1875 Tc 0 Tw (Self) Tj 18 0 TD -0.246 Tc (-) Tj 3.75 0 TD -0.084 Tc (Talk) Tj 21.75 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.0769 Tc 0.4178 Tw ( during drinking about your limits, how well you are managing, etc.) Tj 88.5 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -417 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0413 Tc 0.4163 Tw (\223Controlling Your Drinking\224) Tj 141.75 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.0633 Tc 0.2133 Tw ( by Miller & Munoz is particularly strong on discussing ) Tj -141.75 -13.5 TD -0.0699 Tc 0.3199 Tw (alternative activities to drinking.) The) Tj 159 0 TD -0.0866 Tc 0.5366 Tw ( list of helpful techniques ) Tj 126 0 TD -0.2197 Tc 0.2197 Tw (is so long ) Tj -384.75 -13.5 TD -0.0898 Tc 0.3661 Tw (that you probably can\222t keep them all in mind. Tj 359.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -377.25 -14.25 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.1056 Tc 0.5556 Tw (Has hobbies, interests, and other ways to relax and enjoy life, that do not involve ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.1035 Tc 0.1035 Tw (alcohol. ) PDF Research-Based Analysis of the Moderation Management Controversy Moderation Management allows members to set their own drinking goals as they feel appropriate. Oddly enough, the thought of having ) Tj -254.25 -13.5 TD -0.123 Tc 0.123 Tw (to record ) Tj 45 0 TD -0.1343 Tc 0.7343 Tw (a mistake in your diary may even keep you from tak) Tj 252 0 TD -0.0755 Tc 0.2005 Tw (ing that extra drink or other ) Tj -297 -13.5 TD -0.252 Tc 0 Tw (miss) Tj 21 0 TD -0.246 Tc (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1455 Tc (step) Tj 18.75 0 TD -0.038 Tc 0.188 Tw ( on some occasion. ) Tj 6 0 TD ( ) Tj -223.5 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0647 Tc 0.0647 Tw (The MM Step) Tj 66.75 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD 0 Tc (by) Tj 11.25 0 TD -0.246 Tc (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD 0.029 Tc 0.721 Tw (Step Approach) Tj ET 86.25 528.75 158.25 0.75 re f BT 244.5 531 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -158.25 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0229 Tc 0.0229 Tw (Here\222s an outline of ) Tj 98.25 0 TD -0.138 Tc 0.138 Tw (the ) Tj 17.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (steps) Tj 24 0 TD -0.1015 Tc 0.5788 Tw (. A limit on drinks per occasion on days when you do ) Tj -125.25 -14.25 TD -0.2155 Tc 0.7155 Tw (drink is good. ) Tj 300.75 0 TD -0.13 Tc 0.5586 Tw ( If you keep working at it, ) Tj -300.75 -13.5 TD -0.0436 Tc 0.3769 Tw (you\222ll get better over time. Tj 72.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -393.75 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj 36 0 TD ( ) Tj 36 0 TD -0.0884 Tc 0.4217 Tw (c. Identify the key triggers that lead you to over) Tj 228 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0251 Tc 0.0251 Tw (drink, and develop ) Tj 92.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -396.75 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 36 0 TD ( ) Tj 36 0 TD -0.0985 Tc 0.661 Tw (means to neutralize those triggers.) Tj 60.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -258.75 -15 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F2 12 Tf 0.0827 Tc -0.4577 Tw (Think about tomorrow) Tj 108.75 0 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 3 0 TD -0.1663 Tc (anytime) Tj 37.5 0 TD -0.22 Tc 0.595 Tw ( you\222re ) Tj 37.5 0 TD -0.0697 Tc 0.3197 Tw (tempted to have ) Tj 80.25 0 TD -0.051 Tc 0.051 Tw (more than planned.) Tj 74.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -74.25 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.058 Tc 0.2663 Tw (You can look at a set of tables of blood alcohol levels for men and women of different ) Tj T* -0.0236 Tc 0.5236 Tw (weights from a given) Tj 101.25 0 TD -0.092 Tc 0.092 Tw ( amount and) Tj 59.25 0 TD 0.17 Tc -0.17 Tw ( pace of) Tj 37.5 0 TD -0.0913 Tc 0.5413 Tw ( alcohol intake via the ) Tj 109.5 0 TD /F2 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw ( Tj 75 0 TD /F0 12 Tf 0.0129 Tc -0.0129 Tw ( website) Tj 39.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (. ) Tj 259.5 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -273 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0662 Tc 0.5662 Tw (Skills for Moderate Drinking) Tj ET 86.25 666.75 138.75 0.75 re f BT 225 669 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -138.75 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.1242 Tc 0.6063 Tw (A great use for your time during your \22330\224 is to study various techniques ) Tj 354 0 TD -0.168 Tc 0 Tw (to) Tj 9 0 TD -0.291 Tc 0.666 Tw ( help ) Tj 26.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (k) Tj 6 0 TD -0.052 Tc (eep) Tj 16.5 0 TD -0.0615 Tc 0.8115 Tw ( your) Tj 25.5 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -437.25 -14.25 TD -0.0579 Tc 0.4329 Tw (drinking moderate w) Tj 99.75 0 TD -0.0985 Tc 0.3985 Tw (hen you do resume drinking. Tj 101.25 0 TD -0.168 Tc 0 Tw (Just) Tj 18 0 TD -0.038 Tc 0.288 Tw ( recognize for once the extent of the negatives, ) Tj -171 -14.25 TD -0.0633 Tc 0.0633 Tw (shudder, a) Tj 49.5 0 TD -0.1791 Tc 0.4291 Tw (nd then move on.) Tj 89.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 3.75 0 TD -0.0954 Tc 0.4704 Tw (However, if it doesn\222t ) Tj -316.5 -13.5 TD -0.0912 Tc 0.3412 Tw (feel right to start drinking again on day 31, jus) Tj 222 0 TD -0.0555 Tc 0.3555 Tw (t keep abstinent until it doe) Tj 130.5 0 TD -0.1074 Tc 0.4824 Tw (s feel right) Tj 51 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (.) Tj 301.5 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -348.75 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0513 Tc 0.3013 Tw (After thinking all that through, you can probably spot the most important trigger or triggers ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.1647 Tc 0.5397 Tw (for your over) Tj 62.25 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD 0.0145 Tc 0.4855 Tw (drinking. The standard drink ) Tj -273 -14.25 TD -0.1484 Tc 0.6484 Tw (here is one twelve) Tj 86.25 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0609 Tc 0.2917 Tw (ounce bottle of regular \(5% alcohol\) beer, 5 ounces of table wine \(12%\), ) Tj -90.75 -13.5 TD -0.0544 Tc 0.0544 Tw (or 1.5 ounces of 80) Tj 91.5 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1268 Tc 0.8768 Tw (proof liquor \(40%) Tj 86.25 0 TD -0.123 Tc 0 Tw (\).) The majority of programs are web-based and rely heavily on motivating people to take responsibility for creating change in their own lives. Tj 6 0 TD -0.091 Tc 0.466 Tw ( Again, you can come up with others. ) If the slip ) Tj T* -0.0963 Tc 0.3963 Tw (happened because you broke one of your rules, maybe you ) Tj 285 0 TD -0.165 Tc 0.415 Tw (need to be ) Tj 52.5 0 TD -0.1476 Tc 0.1476 Tw (more a) Tj 33 0 TD -0.1332 Tc 0.3832 Tw (lert to that ) Tj -370.5 -14.25 TD 0.0238 Tc -0.0238 Tw (particular kind of situation) Tj 126.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (.) Tj 220.5 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -420 -14.25 TD -0.047 Tc 0.2777 Tw (Blood alcohol levels are critical, since judgment and control are progressively lost at ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.2005 Tc 0.9505 Tw (higher levels) Tj 60.75 0 TD -0.153 Tc 0.528 Tw (. Not for alcoholics, chronic drinkers or those who experience significant withdrawal symptoms when they stop drinking. For women, 8 or more drinks per week For men, 15 or more drinks per week Any alcohol use by pregnant women Any alcohol use by people younger than 21 If you choose to drink, do so in moderation. Moderation describes a situation in which the relationship between two constructs is not constant but depends on the values of a third variable, referred to as a moderator variable. The urge ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0611 Tc 0.4702 Tw (might say, for instance, that tonight is a special occasion and y) Tj 300 0 TD -0.0623 Tc 0.1694 Tw (ou can just have a drink or ) Tj -300 -14.25 TD -0.1347 Tc 0.4159 Tw (two and then go back to your \22330.\224 ) Tj 171.75 0 TD -0.12 Tc 0.495 Tw (Answer the urge back with the statement) Tj 195.75 0 TD -0.336 Tc 0 Tw (:) Tj 3 0 TD 0 Tc ( ) Tj 3.75 0 TD -0.078 Tc (\223) Tj 4.5 0 TD 0 Tc ( ) Tj 3.75 0 TD 0.168 Tc (E) Tj 6.75 0 TD -0.0703 Tc 0.0703 Tw (ach time ) Tj 44.25 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (I) Tj 3.75 0 TD 0 Tc ( ) Tj -437.25 -13.5 TD -0.1015 Tc 0.3515 Tw (refuse an urge ) Tj 70.5 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (I) Tj 3.75 0 TD -0.0674 Tc 0.4424 Tw ( get stronger and stronger in dealing with it.) Tj 6 0 TD 0.0835 Tc 0.6665 Tw (Not religion) Tj 58.5 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1463 Tc 0.5213 Tw (based, as is AA. ) Tj 64.5 0 TD -0.0341 Tc 0.2216 Tw (And maybe there are ) Tj 103.5 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (o) Tj 6 0 TD -0.046 Tc 0.196 Tw (ther types of social situations ) Tj -297 -13.5 TD -0.0461 Tc 0.3794 Tw (where others may not be drinking too heavily but y) Tj 245.25 0 TD -0.0494 Tc 0.4779 Tw (ou tend to get carried away. Tj 174.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 3.75 0 TD -0.22 Tc 0.22 Tw (The ) Tj 21 0 TD -0.0838 Tc 0.4172 Tw (NIAAA study followed up after three years on a ) Tj -199.5 -14.25 TD -0.0098 Tc 0.3848 Tw (group diagnosed wi) Tj 94.5 0 TD -0.138 Tc 0.588 Tw (th the most severe stage, ) Tj 120 0 TD -0.0192 Tc 0.3942 Tw (commonly called \223alcoholics) Tj 140.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (,) Tj 3.75 0 TD -0.078 Tc (\224) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0742 Tc 0.2242 Tw ( and a group at ) Tj -363 -13.5 TD -0.0693 Tc 0.3505 Tw (the next stage of severity, called \223alcohol abuse.\224 It turned out that 25% of the alcoholics ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0547 Tc 0.3047 Tw (had resolved their problem, by learning to drink at safe levels or by becoming abstinent, ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (bu) Tj 11.25 0 TD -0.0769 Tc 0.3581 Tw (t more than twice as many of the abusers) Tj 195.75 0 TD 0.043 Tc -0.043 Tw (, or 59%) Tj 41.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (,) Tj 3 0 TD -0.1053 Tc 0.5339 Tw ( had accomplished that in the three ) Tj -251.25 -13.5 TD -0.095 Tc 0 Tw (years.) The moderator variable (or construct) changes the strength, or even the direction of a relationship between two constructs in a model. Don\222t spend time with ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0312 Tc 0 Tw (heavy) Tj 27.75 0 TD -0.246 Tc (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0486 Tc 0.2093 Tw (drinking friends, or go to places like bars where you customarily drink. Tj 183 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -276 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.112 Tc (Mos) Tj 21 0 TD -0.033 Tc 0.333 Tw (t are reading this because of) Tj 134.25 0 TD -0.0688 Tc 0.3688 Tw ( interest in learning moderation, so we don\222t expect this ) Tj -155.25 -14.25 TD -0.1193 Tc 0.6693 Tw (exercise to change many minds. Tj 42 0 TD -0.0421 Tc 0.2467 Tw ( An NIAAA study comparing outcomes for persons grouped by severity ) Tj 350.25 0 TD 0.015 Tc -0.015 Tw (showed ) Tj -392.25 -13.5 TD -0.0844 Tc 0.5344 Tw (clearly the importance of that factor.) Tj 119.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -270 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 36 0 TD (5) Tj 6 0 TD -0.1107 Tc 0.1107 Tw (. Six Methods for Latent Moderation Analysis in Marketing Research: A Giving yourself ) Tj -273.75 -14.25 TD -0.0963 Tc 0.5249 Tw (rewards for good work on moderation can be helpful, including modest things like a DVD) Tj 432 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (,) Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj -435 -13.5 TD -0.123 Tc 0.123 Tw (or ) Tj 12.75 0 TD -0.078 Tc 0 Tw (a) Tj 5.25 0 TD 0 Tc ( ) Tj 3 0 TD (book) Tj 24 0 TD (,) Tj 3 0 TD -0.123 Tc 0.123 Tw ( or ) Tj 15.75 0 TD 0.0075 Tc -0.0075 Tw (eating out, or ) Tj 66.75 0 TD -0.0533 Tc 0 Tw (whatever.) Tj 3 0 TD -0.291 Tc 0.291 Tw ( It) Tj 9.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -426 -13.5 TD -0.1968 Tc 0.1968 Tw (can be) Tj 30 0 TD -0.0294 Tc 0.2794 Tw ( hard to get started, but there are a number of big benefits:) Tj 279 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -309 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 18 -14.25 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.0833 Tc 0.3512 Tw (You may well feel demoralized by your lack of control over drinking, and feel ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0645 Tc 0.3145 Tw (powerless relative to your drinking habit.
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moderation management pdf 2023