On her on accord she went out and found orphanages with single mothers, ran the DMC Angel Tree ceremony and ensured donations for all children within the community was set up and attended by more than 50 Angel Tree ornaments. - Attended EPR seminar--enhanced writing ability; completed 2 leadership crses--crucial in new . These students benefited from receiving expert Combatives training as well as promotion points for completing either the 40-hour Combatives Level 1 class or the 80-hour Combatives level 2 class. If you would like to support the continued development of ArmyNCO.com, please consider making a small donation. She guided players in learning competition, discipline, the importance of working hard, leadership, and how to work as a team. SGT Doe was not only adaptable, but always remained calm and professional as he went about his duties. The integration of the DISE into the ACE, and the White House security team was instrumental in providing excellent support during the visit. SGT Doe's experience as a diesel mechanic enabled 1st squad to lead the way in several maintenance upgrades to the fleet including generator upgrades, trailer suspension rebuilds, and searchlights for the vehicles. MILITARY AWARDS: Unit Of Issue(s) EBOOK PDF: Pub/Form Proponent: G-1: Pub/Form Status: ACTIVE: Associated AR/DA PAM/AD: ARMY DIR 2021-11, ARMY DIR 2021 .
With little notice, SGT Doe became a subject matter expert providing timely and relevant intelligence and the Counterterrorism/Force Protection Team NCOIC after the events of September 11, thereby keeping the CG and his staff abreast of developing intelligence in the terrorism and force protection arena and directly impacting force protection of the command's ASG areas. SGT Doe was instrumental in the accomplishment of company training requirements. SPC Bowers' expertise, professionalism and superb work ethic resulted in overall mission success. He was the RTO for numerous ranges, ensuring that the radios that were available were fully functional. Prior to 2002, this option was not available. Visit these resources for free COA, AAM, ARCOM, and MSM bullets: See our 150+ Award Bullets Tool by award type in the Tools section of our website, https://www.part-time-commander.com/sample-army-msm-meritorious-service-medal-bullet-points/, http://www.armywriter.com/arcom-award-bullets.htm, http://www.armywriter.com/DA-Form-638-ARCOM-PCS.htm, https://newncoer.com/awards/arcom-awards/, http://www.armywriter.com/DA-Form-638-AAM-Achievement.htm, http://www.armywriter.com/DA-Form-638-AAM-PCS.htm, http://www.armywriter.com/certificate-of-achievement.htm, http://www.armywriter.com/da-form-638-award-bullets.htm, http://www.armywriter.com/generic-awards.htm, https://www.armynco.com/awards/award_bullets.shtml, http://www.armywriter.com/NCOER/adjectives.htm, Check here for free editable memo templates (Letter of lateness, COA, and No Award Due). Her attention to detail and ability to adapt during her training has been integral to the mission. SPC Laney provided exceptional community support by volunteering over 100 dedicated hours in support of the Designated Drivers of Colorado Springs organization. SPC Laney has tirelessly volunteered for this organization for over three months. He routinely conducted Pre-Combat Inspections ensuring that his Soldiers had all required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) prior to conducting DCLPs. He displayed personal courage driving over 3,652 miles on the dangerous roads of Iraq.
He aided his peers in Physical Training to improve APFT scores. His involvement in the community promoted a positive image of Soldiers being viewed as role models. This event collected money for underprivileged children of El Paso. Skillfully capitalized on the capabilities of theater and national assets to research, collect and disseminate releasable intelligence information vital to NATO allies and multi-national brigades over NATO communications systems for planning and execution. His actions taught them valuable morals and are a direct reflection of his character and gives the public a glimpse of what it means to be a Soldier. Availability: Available for download now. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1163582 SSG Miller volunteered over 200 hours over the course of 16 months of service to the children and the local community of Saipan. By setting an example for both his peers and leaders to follow, throughout Squad and Company Live Fires. Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
For these and other daily acts of compassion, courtesy, and living out the Army Values, Sergeant First Class McDonald has brought credit upon himself, the Military Intelligence Readiness Command and the United States Army Reserve. His untiring work ethic and devotion to duty were directly responsible for the success of the S2. SGT Doe became a subject matter expert on the brigade operational environment while assigned as an imagery analyst in the BCT, S2, Analysis Control Team. SPC Moses has done an outstanding job representing not only his unit but the Wisconsin Army National Guard by helping his local community and demonstrating exactly what the National Guard does as Citizen Soldiers. SPC Doe provided situational awareness that informed all units of current route status, medical evacuation status, and ongoing operations during Operation Iraqi Freedom 06-08. This NCO emphasis on discipline and high standards resulted in the unit's high morale and espirit de corpsby far the best in the battalion. All thiis was done while completing an $8 million Report of Survey at the direction of the DCG. His efforts enabled maneuver forces to maintain an accurate picture of the battlefield. If you haven't submitted someone for an award or service medal before it might seem difficult but it's not really that hard. In the absence of the Battalion Chaplain, Sergeant Ortiz provided compassionate pastoral care and religious support. His development and implementation of a new briefing format raised the standard for excellence, and rapidly conveyed important information to ensure national level agencies and collection activities coordinated efforts to satisfy the commanders priority intelligence requirements. Meritorious service while serving as NCOIC, Command Chaplain Section, Military Intelligence Readiness Command (MIRC), Fort Belvoir, Virginia, from XXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXXX. Instrumental in forming a community youth soccer league and increasing participation to over 120 children. THIS MINIMIZED THE OVERALL COST AS LESS SPACE WAS BOOKED FOR THE VESSEL. Through his attention to detail, PFC Does's vehicle often was singled out as the best in the fleet. HIS COMMITMENT TO SOLDIERS AND FAMILY MEMBERS PROVED VITAL IN DAILY OPERATIONS. As an AMC, he supervised the upload of Class I-IX cargo and pre-combat inspections of mission personal and equipment. Identified key anti-coalition tactics, techniques and procedures, cohesive working environment and proficiency of the mapping tools, ASAS-L system and analysis process to maximize the effort and capabilities of the BCT S2 and ACT allowing multiple tasks to be accomplished in a short period of time. When I officially launched ArmyNCO.com on January 1st, 2006, I never imagined that it would continue to experience such immense popularity over the years. SPC Doe became a subject matter expert on his Security District while assigned as an intelligence analyst in the BCT S2, Analysis Control Team. He was personally responsible for one M915A4 tractor, two M872 trailers, and all assigned basic issue items valued at 257,908 dollars. ContentsContinued Section II Responsibilities, page 1 Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) 1-4, page 1 Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 1-5, page 1 Commanding General, U.S. Army Human Resources Command 1-6, page 1 Chief, Awards and Decorations Branch, U.S. Army Human Resources Command 1-7, page 1 Commandant, Adjutant General School 1-8, page 2 SGT Doe was responsible for the accountability and maintenance of over $1,000,000 worth of government equipment. The upgrades greatly increased the squad's ability to perform logistics operations. SGT SMITH'S DEDICATION TO COMMUNITY POLICING ESTABLISHED A POSITIVE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FORT ____ RESIDENTS. He effectively fused intelligence information from all-sources to develop an accurate depiction of the battlefield. From August 2015 through July 2016, Sergeant Pyle volunteered 500 hours over a 12 month period to start, manage and complete a cell phones for soldiers drive which collected over 2,000 Cell Phones for the Cell Phone for Soldiers Campaign. If you would like to support the continued development of ArmyNCO.com, please consider making a small donation. Each individual approaching retirement may be considered for an appropriate decoration based on his or her grade, years of service, degree of responsibility, and manner of performance. - ACC/A3 awd board president; steered five mbrs/rvw'd six noms--improved pkgs/set-up winner for HHQ competition. He quickly and effectively adapted to the grueling shift work schedule and high optempo. Deploying his company to Operation Iraqi Freedom with over $25 million dollars of equipment without loss. SPC Laney is a valued team member providing support not only to the Soldiers of Fort Carson but also to the entire community. (April 02 2023) On January 1st, 2023, ArmyNCO.com celebrated its 17th anniversary providing quality content to Army leaders. His efforts were directly responsible for freeing thousands of gigabytes of scarce BCT SIPRNET bandwidth. While assigned as executive officer for B Company, BTB, LT Doe excelled in fulfilling his responsibilities to his unit. This month will mark the site's sixth complete redesign as I finally introduce a more modern, responsive . So I (E-5 with 5 years in) am about to ETS in a couple of months, and I was helping with some bullets for my award. Awards by MOS. His resourcefulness and efficiency enabled CTB to maintain the highest state of readiness. Her dedication to her work, ability to work with minimal supervision, and attention to detail was hailed by G2 leadership on several occasions. Heavy clashes rock Sudan's capital despite . SPC Doe volunteered to serve as the BCT indirect fire analyst upon his arrival to Baghdad. Army Good Conduct Medal (AGCM) Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal (ARCAM) Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal (ARCAM) template. His involvement with the community's youth promoted a positive image of soldiers being viewed as role models. Contributions are moderated and will not show up until reviewed. Through successful drivers training, he enabled his team to maneuver the congested roads of the base without incident while delivering vital Class I water support. Prepared and presented a daily all-source intelligence briefing to the Commander, and J2 personnel to provide an essential starting point for watch changeover. Contact editor@armywriter.com Disclaimer. Displaying broad professional knowledge and superior military bearing resulted in Staff Sergeant Flurkey's selection, over nine other Non-Commissioned Officers, as the Battalion's Outstanding Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year representitive, providing a model of excellence and the Army Total Soldier Concept for all Soldiers assigned to the BN to emulate. Additionally, I have also removed many of the site's superfluous links to focus my priority on the content that has continued to make ArmyNCO.com one of the most popular NCO professional development sites on the Internet: NCOERS, Awards and Soldier Counseling. She directed her team of instructors with competent and confident leadership. Awards and Decorations. In a two month period, he processed over 800 personnel for security clearances and access badges during the rotation of 25ID. His contributions as a volunteer reflects favorably on himself and his Unit. SGT Doe played a vital role in the initial construction of the first Combating Terrorism Database, assuming an initial operating capacity in only 2 weeks. Again with little notice, SGT Doe researched and produced executive summaries providing the necessary relevant intelligence to the CG and his staff. Compiled all of the necessary skills to put together a tracking board for anit-coalition activity that was praised by the BCT Commander and distinguished visitors in the Tactical Operations Center. SGT Millard was a gunner during five Styker Crew Gunnery's earning two distinguished and three superior ratings. Due to his keen analytical skills and innate briefing ability, SPC Doe was trusted by senior leadership to act as the BCT S2's representative for the brigade's counter-IED working group. SFC Doe served as the Combating Team Brach (CTB) NCOIC ensuring the ever increasing requirements for this newest branch were always fulfilled. Sergeant Doe enhanced the 119th Inland Cargo Transfer Company's image in the community by volunteering over 400 hours at the local elementary schools, actively engaging the students to assist with the lesson plans, assisting in the gym to keep the students active and orderly, and assisting the staff with everything from parent drop off at Alanton Elementary School, to helping with paperwork at John B. Dey Elementary School. ARCOM Award Bullets. Do Each Of The Following To Develop Bullet State the impact on the department/division/unit or Coast Guard Wordsmith the statement to create one concise yet simple First Sergeant Doe was instrumental in solidifying a sense of cohesion and teamwork within the noncommissioned officers of the company. SSG Miller's leadership and dilligence was recognized by families of deceased veterans, family members, soldiers killed in action and the general public. She made sure that maintence and services were up to date on all of her equipment resulting in no deficiencies. SGT Doe proved indispensable in training the imagery analysts from these two brigade S2s preparing them to seamlessly assume operations within Baghdad. Supervised a Deployable Intelligence Support Element (DISE) which supported the command during the visit of the President of the United States (POTUS) to the ASG (Area Support Group) 22-23 February 2005. His personal contribution allowed for the safe movement and execution of over 102,113 miles and 12,000 tons of critical supplies and equipment to sustain counterinsurgency operations in theater. o coordinated and distributed over $10,000 in baseball and other sports equipment to the Iraqi Boys and Girls Scouts, o volunteered over 40 hours to participate in the serving of all hot meals during operation Golden Medic 2010, o enhanced ministry awareness through an aggressive program of unit visitation encompassing 100% of the installation, o researched four successful chapel singles programs in developing a lifetime experience for 80 Soldiers at Niagra Falls, o selected for assignment as the Senior Enlisted advisor and Chaplain SGM for the Multi-National Force-Iraq, o established a Chaplain work site office expanding the spiritual fitness of 1300 joint personnel, o key to the successful deployment and mobilization of the TF 28 MED Religious Support Team (RST), o directly assisted the needs of 1100 wounded warriors, served over 100 patients/staff through counseling and intervention, o ensured that 25 Religious Support Teams provided qualified, seamless religious service and support to coalition forces throughtout Iraq, o trained and qualified 11 9th TSC Soldiers to serve as Empowerment Action NCOs (EANCO) for Army Reserve Warrior Family Assistance Center, o professional poise directly contributed to the Camp Humphreys Chapel receiving an "Excellent" rating during the 2009 inspection, o delivered 15 re-integration briefings, assisting approximately 850 transient medical patients, o managed a budget of 200 thousand dollars, provided financial oversight for five solvent chapel programs, o developed and delivered the religious and cultural awareness briefing provided before deployments. The personal effort you exhibited greatly contributed to a successful event at the allowed maximum capacity of 50 participants. SPC lightyear ensured that the community had access to Combative Level 1 and Level 2 instructors with training in proper Combative techniques. Our Price: $39.95. Again and again, he relayed time sensitive information to higher headquarters in a timely manner and was second to none in his ability to battle track and maintain radio-telephone operator logs. We still want to help you as much as we possibly can which is why we offer free lifetime updates. Make $500 in daily commissions - Start an online side-hustle with this 100% Foolproof Blueprint! SPC Doe ensured that his team maintained zero losses during three command inspections by diligently tracking his assigned equipment. He maintained detailed and accurate records of all indirect fire attacks on the FOB, twelve Combat Outposts, ten Joint Security Stations, and the Green Zone. The medals are approved for both active-duty and Reserve troops -- including members of the National Guard -- who were tasked with responding to the coronavirus crisis. SPC Doe performed the duties of an Assistant Mission Commander (AMC) and was directly responsible for all aspects of the pre-execution phase of detachment's missions. SPC Jodie's selfless efforts resulted in the graduation of over 400 students from Combatives Level 1 and 2. As the Deputy Division Chief from July 2003 to June 2005, LTC Doe supervised Division and ACE personnel in the daily production of the CG's Black Book, The Current Threat Report (CTR), information papers, executive summaries, and input to plans and staff actions. Within eight weeks he transformed a substandard platoon into a cohesive, disciplined team which held the company's highest platoon record for rifle marksmanship, physical fitness testing, and common skills testing for over a one-year period. Both seniors and subordinates sought him out for his unfailing mentorship. SPC Doe went above and beyond the call of duty by staying after duty hours to help with aircraft and hanger cleaning and set up for a Company Memorial Service. On short notice and with little assistance, he developed the key intelligence products for the extensive Intelligence Estimate Briefing presented to the senior foreign commander in charge of the exercise. He has performed solidly at both. 2006-2023 ArmyNCO.com All rights reserved. Ultimately, he increased the S2's imagery download rate by over 800 percent. The latest technologies high quality electronic pubs and forms view U.S. Army Regulations and DA Forms. DA form 638 is used for requesting military awards for meritorious actions in and out of combat. His engineered improvements were quickly adopted and recognized as a vast improvement over previous means of intelligence dissemination.
Welcome to my Army award writing resource pages. SGT Doe's devotion to mission accomplishment and dynamic leadership style enabled him to attain outstanding results as Mission Commander for Deliberate Combat Logistics Patrols (DCLPs). SGT GARCIA, OPERATED AS THE GATES NCOIC DURING THE MISSION IN THE NETHERLANDS. An official website of the United States government. SGT Doe was hailed by senior leadership several times for her ability to brief senior leaders on the IDC functionality and on how the Terrorism Lead Development cell incorporates IDC. From my understanding, an ETS award should cover everything you've done in your career. It is not affiliated with nor endorsed by the United States Army, The Department of Defense or any other office or agency of the United States Government. Certificate of Achievement Examples. Contributing to the high level of morale in the unit, he ensured that all mail was delivered to personnel within 24 hours. SPC Doe embodied professionalism, flexibility, and commitment to mission accomplishment by accumulating 3,740 accident and incident free miles. His commitment to the mission, as well as his own self improvement, set the example for fellow Soldiers to emulate. Are you struggling with writing award bullets for someone else or, more likely, yourself? In addition to his assignment as the BN S3 NCOIC, SFC Smith also served as the Battalion CBRN Staff NCO, Battalion Ammunition Manager, Unit Status Report (USR) NCO, S2 NCOIC, Battalion Schools NCO, Battalion Security Manager, and the Battalion Anti-Terrorism Officer.
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