With the square, I found that the Venus person was viewing me through the lens of who I had the potential to be, and not who I actually was at that time. (EX. Astro Observation: Beauty and Attraction in Astrology - Analyzing the Big 4 of the Golden Age of Hollywood - PART 2 Originally posted by wantsneedsandloves This is a long list of asteroids related to beauty, separated into Part 2 and Part 3. You may get your first car, or let go of an old one. On the topic of chart readings, I get quite a few DMs asking if I do free chart readings. When the moon transits your 12th house, you may feel very introspective over those 2.5 days (give or take) You may even experience feelings of sadness and isolation during this transit. These people often need to work on healing their inner child, as they fear being judged and ridiculed by others. You must also pay attention the the planet that is your chart ruler. For example, if you have a Taurus IC other people can think you come from money, or you grew up quite financially well-off. Hmm, maybe I have, people who have Venus/Pluto aspects also attract intense energy from others. Kim kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Marylin Monroe, Paris Hilton and Ariana Grande are some celebrity examples. Venus-Pluto culture is morphing into a completely different person after each relationship. You are extremely ambitious but you are often impatient, and you have the tendency to give up on something before giving it time to mature, and bear fruit. gemini moons spontaneity. <3 #1. Side Note: A friend of mine and her sister have a zodiac-themes small candle business! If you want to see how each person feels about the composite (the relationship as a unit) you can compare the composite chart to each persons natal chart. In terms of romance, you are likely to have many suitors this year! My baby lives in shades of blue, blue eyes and jazz and attitude. Thus, its never wise to follow the notion that your relationship can never be serious with 5th house synastry (or any house placement for that matter), as you need to look at both peoples charts first to determine what it is that they each need and WANT from a romantic partner. Ive found that most of them are especially good at math and have great logical skills. Alternatively, this can also be true for individuals who have Mars or Saturn in the 3rd. Many people with these signs over the 3rd house often feel isolated or misunderstood in middle school/during childhood. If you have the ruler of your 2nd house placed in the 3rd, you may earn money through your siblings, writing, learning or short-distance travels! People who have Lilith (black moon) In the 3rd house often fear that people are talking about them, or creating false narratives about them. However, it is very unlikely. Synastry shows us how two people relate to each other, and how their individual energies are likely going to interact with each other. The only difference is that they are more impulsive in love. However, their composite North Node is in the 5th house, which would explain their 4 children. (EX. Alternatively, it may be a period in which you feel an increased connection with the divine. Having your natal mercury in your 9th house, can suggest that you have frequently traveled abroad. The effect is reinforced when it's Mars. Thus, most people are quite introspective during this time. They also have many squares in their synastry. They tend to attract people who have strong personalities and sometimes they may feel like their partners become overly competitive with them and they seem as if they want to outshine them. These individuals usually go on to set up home in a country that is different to the one that they were born and raised in. She may even loan you money to start a business or she plays a vital role when it comes to how you handle your finances. They reached out to me to help them advertise and I agreed! You may see an increase or decrease in your motivation, and ability to get things done. People cheat because they want to cheat. Someone asked me about my page chart which I got very confused over. Astrology Observations Do not repost, plagiarize, "reword" my observations. You may potentially start a new job or have significant developments in your career when you have a New Moon transiting your 6th or 10th house. Astrology observations @astrologyobservationsss. With Saturn in the 3rd, you may have had some learning or speech difficulties. Her recent passing created reactions that were extremely polarized. I have not yet finished my research, but I have definitely seen a pattern of having 10th & 8th house placements, with a highly publicized death. Unless you have a wonderfully placed Jupiter (in the sign of its domicile/exaltation ) that is well aspected, you likely wont see any major changes in your life. People who have Lilith in the 7th house often have exes who cant let them go. So, having some kind of neptunian influence over your moon, can suggest a mother who was not present (physically or emotionally). Please credit me if youre going to use my work, or ask me beforehand. I was taking a look into the synastry between Ryan Reynolds & Blake lively (who are currently expecting their 4th child together) *Edit* apparently there IS a birth time for Blake (shes a Leo rising) Their synastry has always intrigued me as Blakes 5 Virgo placements (her personal planets) all fall into Ryans 12th house! They also have Venus conjunct Saturn in their Composite chart which favors longevity, dedication, and commitment. Nobody knew we were seeing each other, and we had been on and off -on the low for years. I decided to start incorporating your asks into my astro notes. Its not that one of the calculators is wrong, they just have very different methods of calculations. Some people like this synastry with their friends but I personally do not. However, I have found that life significantly improves for these natives as they get older (during their college/adult years). Astrology Observations Okay back to the observations! I will detail my own experiences with certain transits, synastry aspects, and people! Interestingly, people who have Neptune in the 1st house/conjuncting the Ascendant or aspecting the ascendant, tend to be photogenic. This suggests that she likely helps you a lot with your finances or perhaps she intends to leave an inheritance for you. I actually think they are very similar to those who have their Venus in Capricorn. Astrology Observations #1 + (These are just things that I have observed, not necessarily accurate. Venus conjunct North Node synastry is one of the aspects I really dont like seeing when Im observing synastry charts. Astrology tells us about our inner workings, and the factors that have shaped our characters, and our lives. This is the area of life that will feature prominently throughout your life. Hard aspects made to the moon often indicates an intense relationship with the mother! However, I believe that Astrology should be used in a way that enables us to get a holistic understanding of ourselves. So as some of you may know I am extremely interested in forensic Astrology, and I have been researching it quite closely over the past few months. It can indicate being attracted to people who are significantly older than you, or those who are in a position of power in society! Ascendant in Mars . Ive said this before but when transit Uranus was in my 4th house, I moved homes 5 times. Physical comfort & security are key for these people to feel emotionally safe and secure. These partners usually have distinct Arian or Aries-like traits! saturn dominants rbf. -11th house Saturn people are good leaders. However, Ive seen this placement in a Solar Return chart as having something significant happen. Youre likely to share some 3H,4H and 9H synastry with some of your closest friends! I also cant tell you how many times Ive seen this placement manifesting as someone not going to college or someone dropping out of college for whatever reason! I wrote half this post before realizing I really needed to tackle all the astro questions in my inbox. The 7th house more in a business sense, as you have the potential to enter into a business partnership with this person. It saves me time which means you may actually get answered. this post is blacklisted because it contains food and is not fully visible on the index page. However, if the Neptune receives squares and oppositions, this could indicate deceptive, or dishonest communication between the two, this is especially true if it is mercury that is squaring the Neptune. These risings in reality actually age very well. If its Venus, their lives may be influenced greatly by romantic partnerships or beneficial business partnerships. This is especially true for their Venus in my 8th house. If you have an Aries Moon, you may have experienced your mother as someone who was argumentative and somewhat aggressive growing up. If transit Venus is also making positive aspects to your luminaries or other personal planets the affects of the positive Jupiter transits are likely to be magnified. -3rd house Chiron dont necessarily have a too smart/too dumb complex. This suggests that you are likely to make a significant amount of money from your career as these are known as the money houses. If someone elses Venus makes a square to your Ascendant, this does not always mean they dont find you attractive! I have no problem answering a question about your chart for free but an in-depth chart reading will require you to purchase a reading. The degree of that house can also indicate the general feel or emotion youll run through in that season. The difference is that the astroseek calculator gives more weight to planets that are on the angles. Talking about mental health/mental illness is always a very controversial topic in the Astro community. (Please note that there are so many other careers/professions that you can have with this placement, I just listed a few off of the top of my head). No, Astrology cannot take the place of an actual professional medical diagnosis. Check out my terms on reposting and plagiarizing Air moons / Air Dominants tend to deal with sad experiences with logic more than anything, enough experiences could make these natives feel numb or "detached", at times they can question if anything was even real? the link takes you to the permalink page. What Im about to say is quite controversial, and most people actually dont come to a consensus regarding this topic. I was once romantically seeing someone who I have many mutual friends with. *Edit* it turns out they have a composite Virgo Rising, and their stellium of planets in Libra, fall into their composite 2nd house. Exes often come back as this is a time of re-thinking and going back to re-evaluate how we have behaved and communicated. (Mostly Surgeons) Venus in 10th is good for a doctor studying medicine. This is especially true if they have other cardinal placements, or prominent fire in their charts. A note on the difference between a composite and a synastry chart! #astrology observations on Tumblr Latest Top divine-mystic-princess Follow Anonymous asked: Since Lilith is sexual, does that mean all Lilith placements mean tw: sexual trauma? Alternatively, they may frequently shock those around them with their choice in romantic partners. (ect. As they get older they may realize that theyve experienced many unpleasant situations in these areas, and thus they may avoid making new friends or getting into relationships in general. -Capricorn moon people are SO reliable. Vehicles may also come into focus at this time. This is especially true if their Sun, Mars, and Mercury were in my 12th house. By well aspected, I mean their moon makes trines, and sextile to my planets. Both come as they are. As in, they either thought I was a lot better than I actually am or a lot worse. A few people have asked me why dominant planet calculators give them different answers. A few months ago, I created a post about transits where I spoke about the significance of mercury retrogrades. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, and it is said to be a very beneficial planet for those who want to go into acting/the arts. But they force you to re-examine and re-visit your traumas so that you may move forward. Ive mentioned this in one of my very first posts but, Transit Pluto or Saturn squaring your Sun or Moon is one of the most difficult transits that you will face. However, my chart readings are still open (the link is in my bio!) With 5th house synastry, I found it to be more of a friends with benefits kind of thing. I have my moon in the 11th house and let me tell you, February have been the month of some of the worst and best things to happen in my life. South node Ketu in the first house gives you massive eyes. This is because the 4th house represents the circumstances at the end of life. Hope youre doing great and feeling positive. However, with the squares and oppositions, I honestly felt that the Venus person was not perceiving me accurately. You are always aware of what other people are doing in your space. However, they are not these scary and life altering occurrences that people like to make them out to be. Ive also seen this placement in the charts of people who were international students in foreign countries. Interestingly, Ive found Uranus in the 3rd house to be common in the charts of couples who are in long distance relationships. (I have more to mention but it will be long if I will put them all, sorry. Juno in the 1st or Venus in the 1st can suggest being attracted to/or attracting romantic partners who are ambitious, direct, confident, independent, and outspoken. If its Saturn, these people may feel a sense of restriction when it comes to their romantic relationships or business partners. For example, growing up in a strict Christian home, only to become atheist or on the extreme end (to Christianity) a satanist when older! So, this placement can in fact indicate that your future spouse/long-term partner works in the same career field as you. Sagittarius Venus & Mars individuals are very experimental when it comes to sex. Contrary to popular belief, Aquarius placements are actually some of the most loyal people. With that being said, I find it to be particularly difficult in social houses (3rd, 7th, 11th) It creates a wedge and a block between the native and their peers.
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