First, lets get this straight: you will probably not be able to win consistently on turn three if your Commander deck is built on a budget. I was sent to become one with you. Copied to clipboard. He crouched down to see the dead arm of his old self that peeked out beneath the crumbled rocks. The only necessary cards are Academy Rector, Apprentice Necromancer, Entomb, and Omniscience. Zurgo opened his eyes just to find himself in the center of a large round platform made of ancient stone. Masterwork of Ingenuity Go around them by using cards like, You want at least one, even better two lands on your starting hand and no expensive spell of a cost of 4+., and btw i like your deck, but i feel that with a few mana cards like dark ritual or a pyretic, you ahould be able to go off faster for the win and more often. Here and there, small flashes emitted from the glowing.Strangely enough, Zurgo didn't even wonder about all this. Each of them gifted with its unique ability to bolster their Commander. And if you do get lucky and win on turn 3, it's going to be fun the first couple of times but get old for everybody involved pretty quick. Here you can download such a sheet pre-filled with the cards in this deck! He drew his weapon, more to catch hold of something than to defend himself, slowly realizing that this will be the end for him. Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. From then on, the +2/+2 and flying are a really nice bonus. We do not monitor or necessarily agree with any personal opinions or other expressions published in any such content. Article at a Glance March of the Machine's newest offerings have proven to threaten the balance of existing MTG ecosystems in just its first week of release. Bigger spells tend to have bigger effects, as well as cause more damage when revealed by your Commander. Have you thought about adding a possible Vampire's Bite? A harsh jar disgorged him of his saddle and against the inside of the arch.By the time he opened his eyes he saw the dead body of his horse just lay there on the ground, headless and swimming in blood. Competitive Although its form seemed familiar, Zurgo was not able to focus on its appearance. Read More: March of the Machine: The Aftermath: Release Date, Leaks, Spoilers & More. Suggest Archetype. When Hidetsugu and Kairi dies, you exile the top card of your library. Gut shot in to destroy mana fixers. The Godhand above may seem extraordinary, but this deck can actually win on Turns 3 or 4 fairly consistently if not dealt with immediately. Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, and their logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the United States and other countries. I like idea here but i might add fire servant or pyretic ritual. 2. but no doubt kiln fiend with infect is a great kill, 1. Red is a beautiful color for a fast and aggressive deck like this one. Turn 3 Win Deck | MTG Vault Turn 3 Win by Lucian on 13 March 2011 Draw Sample Hand Deck Stats Deck Details Main Deck (60 cards) Creatures (8) 4x Kiln Fiend 4x Plague Stinger Sorceries (8) 4x Assault Strobe 4x Flame Slash Instants (20) 4x Lightning Bolt 4x Tainted Strike 4x Vampire's Bite 4x Vendetta 4x Virulent Swipe Land (24) 4x Dragonskull Summit The last thing he felt was the dead rock beneath him as darkness enveloped his world. Etrata, the Silencer. The One against All - Turn 3 Win with best hand (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) The One against All - Turn 3 Win with best hand Commander / EDH Aggro Artifact Budget Mono-Red Primer ScrOuch Group Ordering Artifact (27) 1x Door of Destinies 1x Erratic Portal 1x Explorer's Scope 1x Extraplanar Lens 1x Fireshrieker 1x Grafted Wargear 1x Hero's Blade Search your library for equipment up to two times each turn. The owner of this deck hasn't added a sideboard, they probably should Start typing a card name and use the auto-complete feature to quickly select the card you're trying to add. Discord Server | Attention! If optimized, this could be great fun to bring to a cEDH table and can probably put up a good fight. His eyes wide open and panicking, Zurgo pressed himself against the wall. . Turn 1: Entomb an Academy Rector. Suddenly something big reached out from above. For most Magic software, including Magic Workstation and Cockatrice: To play your deck at an official ("DCI-sanctioned") tournament you need a deck registration sheet. Builder: MTGArenaOriginalDecks Other 26-Dec-2021. 2009 Wizards. Commander / EDH TappedOut.js Blog Widget, removed comments You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Complete Comment Tutorial! Aggro And these cards grant or summon creatures with "mega infect" (or " mega deathtouch ," if you prefer): Vorpal Sword. This web site is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Wizards of the Coast LLC. Typically, this card can be awkward to deploy in a Commander setting since making copies of your Commander, traditionally, is not a great idea if you cannot avoid the Legend Rule. Try to get him into your graveyard as fast as possible., wow cool idea. Once you are done, click the. Not just the hands, his whole body glew in a strong deep red. He flew up, Zurgo still on his head. nuf said :D, Hey can you take a look at my deck? Help | Terms of Use | Complete Comment Tutorial! Till now you most likely will have realized that it all focusses around your commander. Register; Login; 3 Turn Win. Formerly: Terms of Use | Turn 3 Atraxa? Sept. 12, 2013. You don't want an Ulamog or Kozilek against you. Boost:The most important aspect to qualify for this category is to be cheap and powerful. If you notice anything wrong, please let us know. Without fishing cards the chances of getting and casting Apprentice Necromancer by second turn and Entomb by third turn without a mulligan are 22% going first and 26% going second, and seeing as the three turn win only can happen with a 1 mana fishing card as a backup, Imperial Seal is the only card i know of that would work. Privacy Policy. Sorry, didn't to cause any fuss..peace man..well my only comment on your deck is that, you would be drawing more spells rather than creatures..and have you played this deck? DMCA requests | 1xArcanis the Omnipotent. Feeds | The dragon's sharp fangs bored their way into the neck of his horse. They allow decks to be more consistent and have easier access to key pieces. Let's find out w/ gameplay & deck tech! He opened his eyes once more and looked around just to realize that he stood right beside his stony grave under the majestic cliff that is now covered in darkness. Also good for several combos (see Combo Section). The Most Consistant TURN 3 Win Combo You Will Ever See - Original Decks - MTG Arena Historic - YouTube 0:00 / 47:42 #mtg #magicthegathering The Most Consistant TURN 3 Win Combo. Without the first limitation the following deck would potentially be a turn 1 win deck: 2x Laboratory Maniac 4x Black Lotus 2x Ancestral Recall So here's how it would work: You will certainly have 1x Maniac, 3x Lotus and 1x Recall in your hand when you start. Magic: The Gathering's Commander format is a diverse landscape full of robust and varied deck archetypes and strategies.One popular and powerful archetype that tends to utilize potent artifact synergies is Cheerios. As a general rule of thumb the more tutors a deck has the more powerful it is. Livewire lash or PA does not work in this deck - it is not meant to have any lategame potential or to be used in any serious competition, it's just a fun deck to play amongst friends Then this is going to be very frustrating for you to play and for your friends to play against. Low Curve Deck - You need 1 or 2 lands to function and have no 3-drops in the deck. , Brute Force, Turn 1:Play Mountain, Cast Sol Ring, Cast Hero's Blade. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. There are few other creatures but they are only added for their ability that for example allow Zurgo to be cast for cheaper cost or grant him unblockability. There's a reason why the dragons named him the Bellstriker. How foolish his brothers were to even dare to take a glimpse in these unhallowed swamps. They reminded Zurgo of the night sky back when he wassomewhere else. Deckbuilder You can't win a Show more Show more Magic: The Gathering Arena 2018. (normal cast, return, dash). i need it badly haha. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Casting another copy effect will simply continue the chain further. Goblin Tunneler. Decks ""You were", the Essence Spark answered with its emotionless voice, "But you are chosen. 21-22. I often feel like all my decks are inadequate when I read through this subreddit. Hero's Blade + Warstorm Surge + Zurgo Bellstriker It was a neverending circle of wonders. Most of the fast decks have consistent turn 3s that really push the game to turns 4-6 with interaction and sandbagging. So, why are Commander players so terrified of Hidetsugu and Kairi? Attack on and on until your opponent has no choice but to destroy him. This site is unaffiliated. Many variations exist on Turn 2, and even if you don't have Primal Surge in hand on Turn 3 you can establish a strong board presence with other cards, for example cast two Primalcruxes for 30+ trample damage on Turn 4, or Elderscale Wurm + Privileged Position to lock down the opponent. Also works with every other triggered equip ability. 1.44-2.08. This site 2023, LLC A blazing storm began to originate from it. Main Deck (60 cards) Creatures (16) 4x Memnite 4x Ornithopter 4x Phyrexian Walker 4x Shield Sphere Sorceries (7) 2x Diabolic Intent 3x Duress 2x Tendrils of Agony Instants (13) 4x Ad Nauseam 4x Culling the Weak 4x Dark Ritual 1x Pact of Negation Artifacts (9) 1x Chrome Mox 4x Lotus Petal 4x Mox Opal Land (15) 15x Swamp Sideboard (0 cards) "But..what did exactly happen? A deep, ubiquitous voice echoed around him. however, you could toss in a couple livewire lashes as bonus dmg since there are so many instants. Just be aware that if your combo fizzles, Hidetsugu and Kairi will be stuck in your graveyard until it either gets reanimated or moved to a different zone. how is this a turn 3 win? Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. Turn 1 either mana dork The second I read Assault Strobe I decided I wanted red-black infect. Nov. 26, 2013, comment clean-up Trying to come up with a turn 3 win elf deck. Tools & Download. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. You can win on turn 3, here's how. The last resort may be the rocky surroundings of the canyon left to the path that leads him to his clan. Free +2/+0 and haste for Zurgo if you decide to cast him the normal way (in case you otherwise wouldn't have enough mana). here's the link :D thank you :), I actually built a turn 1 kiln fiend deck, it works real well and is quite fast. Creature Cheat This annoying message will go away once you do! New $500 MTG Secret Lair Is Surprisingly Worth Its Cost. Hidetsugu and Kairis potential dominance has already made its way to Reddit, even more so when on a budget. The rock broke and an avalanche of rocks rained down as the bodies of Zurgo and the dragon fell towards the ground.Zurgo closed his eyes. This here is the source of Mana itself. The main difference between high-power Commander and cEDH is the prevalence and presence of infinite combos, hyper-efficient counterspells like Force of Will and Force of Negation, and turbo-decks that can win as soon as turn 1 or 2 with ultra-fast mana from artifacts like Mana Crypt and Mox Opal. Sure, you can try the most efficient reanimator spells the game has to offer, like well, Reanimate itself. Well, this one is easy. Win on turn 3! ""I am an Essence Spark. All creatures are now over summoning sickness. After drawing a couple of hand on this deck, I really like it. Budget Terms of Use | Eldrazi can be taken out as well, just substitute it for more creatures that give/have haste. This annoying message will go away once you do. His surrounding began to take form of a huge golden and red shining deity that held the plateau in his hands. Ironically, this is exactly what we want to do in this deck. not the one below. Hidetsugu and Kairis potential dominance has already made its way to Reddit, even more so when on a budget. Turn 3:Dash Zurgo, cast Brute Force and attack for 12 Commander Damage. This web site may use the trademarks and other intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast LLC, which is permitted under Wizards' Fan Site Policy. The next second the body and the pool of blood disappeared. These dont tend to be too expensive because they dont see play outside of Commander. Arena Export. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Zurgo saw ancient artifacts, powerful swords and other weapons, mythic jewels and shimmering garments. Well it can be t1: land t2: land plague stinger t3: land, vampire's bite or virulent swipe + assault strobe, same thing. Everything on the plateau vibrated through the energy that surrounded him. Attack and win. Pioneer [ [Neoform]] is a deck that uses delve creatures such as [ [Hooting Mandrills]] or [ [Tasigur, the Golden Fang]] as expensive creatures to sacrifice to Neoform. I saw like 6 of these like a month ago all on the upcoming. For example, MAGIC: THE GATHERING(r) is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast. Primer. Great idea, great deck! He, who always striked the bell first. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Decklist TappedOut.js Blog Widget. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. All the cards listed below will basically kill your opponent if they deal damage to them just once, plus a few other conditions in some cases: Angel of Destiny. 3 turn win combos (5+) (Modern MTG Deck) This collection is out of date, you may to see the latest version 3 turn win combos (5+) Modern newbnoob Upvote 0 Playtest v1 Similar Deck Space Card Recommendations Card Kingdom $92.02 - 116 TCGPlayer Mkt $86.66 - 99.86 CardHoarder 7.26 TIX Compare to Spoiler Card Odds Draw hand Add to folder Copy Oh and drop the summits for the Scars Black/Red fast lands. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. I've changed mine to R/U and it works well with distortion strikes and for extra creatures I have Neurok Invisimancers, Preordains are awesome aswell as they allow you to buff your Kiln Fiend while looking for even more buffs :) Also feel free to check out my decks as I'm new to mtgvault :), I'm about to add my deck list of my Kiln Fiend deck but I'm at work atm :/, I made a very similar deck awhile ago to this, I found that if you didn't draw your combo early you got kinda screwed, Adding in Tunnelers helped to ensure that your Kiln doesn't get blocked, it works pretty nicely, check it out. Home and our Zurgo, the One Against All covered his face with the hood of his cloak. A giant lightning strike occured from above and hit the red mass of mana that hovered before him. Collection What's more, your deck costs $2-3K+ without lands, mine only costs this much because of lands that One could easily replace. It's hard to get a 3rd turn win.. Actually i really like this deck and after about like 100 sample hands its almost a 90% chance of winning third turn, This one is a bit slower, but solves the problem of not starting with a creature pretty fast You want Zurgo out as early as possible and, because of his minimal mana cost, there should be no chance that this is not turn 1. Cast your Zurgo cheaper with or without dash, Dwarven Nomad To his own surprise, no anger was inherent in him. Turn 2: Cast Apprentice Necromancer Turn 3: Sacrifice Apprentice Necromancer, bring back Academy Rector. (Turn 3 Win) (Modern MTG Deck) This collection is out of date, you may click here to see the latest version GREEN!!!!! Don't forget, this deck looks as though it can easily mull down to 5 or even 4 and do just fine. The Most Consistant Turn 2 Win Combo You Will Probably Ever See - Rainbow OTK - MTG Arena Historic MTG Arena Original Decks 99K subscribers Join Subscribe 2.5K Share Save 97K views 1 year. This will allow to keep reanimating the card over and over. Make Zurgo unblockable. To do this I put lots of spells that buff up my creatures for one or two mana to get temporary buffs and to put +1/+1 counters on my creatures. Erratic Portal + Warstorm Surge + Zurgo Bellstriker Espacially neat with his Dash ability. Otherwise, Hidetsugu and Kairis play experience may encourage some players to play elsewhere. Low Curve Deck - You need 2 lands on turn 2 but would like 3 lands on turn 3 for some 3-drops. We accelerate into these delve threats with a package of blue cards that includes [[Otherworldly Gaze]], [[Taigam's Scheming]], and [[Contingency Plan]]. Now I see turn one win decks with 3 negate/immune to attacks/immune to cards/stop special summons monsters summoned from turn 1. The sun's first rays appeared on the horizon as he rose again. Otherwise, a sacrifice outlet will also work. TappedOut.js Blog Widget, Zurgo is a really reliable Commander. If opponent has creature with power 2 then attack. Cast all the fun creatures in hand. The being started to glow in a deep red, the same colour that surrounded Zurgo. Who can cast spells for FREE! Since it flies it get's over more of the easy 1 drops that don't, but either can be targeted or can't be killed off. And it shows the speed that's hidden in this deck. 45 We accelerate into these delve threats with a package of blue cards that includes [ [Otherworldly Gaze]], [ [Taigam's Scheming]], and [ [Contingency Plan]]. 23. Removal and Damage:An early and two mid to late game enchantments. Zurgo's muscles burst as he leaped over the dragon's fangs his saber high over his head. Help | With a big bang the blazes grabbed after him like he grabbed the sphere before.They took him whole and became one with him. Zurgo brought up the rear of his troop just to see Silumgar's brood feast upon the unprepared bodies of every single warrior before him. Complete Comment Tutorial! 1xBlightsteel Colossus. Competitive This also works with every other triggered equip ability (combined). If you do not have Entomb, Imperial Seal it and then Entomb the Academy Rector first thing on turn 3. Feeds | Congratulations on the front page! It was surrounded with a strange thick darkness which was intermitted by glowing lights. This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. The deck revolves around cheating out giant, game-winning creatures with the cards Sneak Attack and Show And Tell, the namesakes of the deck. Even now, in his fear, he let his eyes wander over the dying landscape, hoping to find even the slightest glimpse of hope in form of a hideout that will protect him from the red dyed fangs of those ravaging monsters. Wizards Community Forums) you can use the HTML options. faster than my other deck kills. Free spells, especially with minimal limitations like this ability, are, obviously, quite powerful. There are no comments about this deck yet. DMCA requests | Zurgo, defeater of thousands of enemys, former Khan and brave warrior is now merely a shadow of himself. That is 21 Commander Damage in total. Behind him, maybe a mile away, was a small pack of Silumgar's brood thirsting for flesh and blood. 0.80-1.44. Since this effect cares about the top of your library, being able to manipulate what that card is with a Brainstorm effect makes starting combo sequences with this card a lot easier. He knew he himself also had become more than a mere liveform. This can make your plan a bit easier to thwart (having no agency if your Commander gets countered/exiled before you can combo), but budget decks all tend to have some flaws. Zurgo's heart in his chest pounded fast and heavily. Artifact ", Suddenly another question filled Zurgo's mind. DMCA requests | Keep hands with cheap equipment and instant spells like. Of course there some other creatures but they are more likely to be seen as the ones that pave the way for Zurgo.In fact I was so confident about that idea that I decided to write a little backstory for the deck. One moment it reminded him of himself, in another moment it was much larger, greater. Those could be taken out since they are potentially not even needed. March of the Machine brings us Etali, Primal Conqueror! I started with a decklist pretty similar to that and over the past few months or so have playtested a LOT and settled on this. He reached the orb which now glew brighter than everything, Zurgo has ever seen. If your play group is playing with more powerful and more expensive cards, this can be a great way to catch up to them without breaking the bank. Secondly, players will generally have four opponents in the Commander format, and this damage can only hit one of them. T3: No land drop necessary. That said, you may not want to be shuffling your cards away. Without any fishing cards this deck is right around $150 depending on creatures used. But still has the possibility for a turn three win. Zvi Mowshowitz dubbed the Meandeck Tendrils deck "the fastest deck in the history of Magic." Stephen Menendian, the original creator, has found a way to make it even faster. Yeah, I've seen many Omniscience decks. While this is indeed promising in a Limited environment, Commander players will be much more concerned about Hidetsugu and Kairis other abilities, which are incredibly powerful. Sarkhan Vol stood on a cliff high up above the dry wastes of Tarkir and watched his former nemesis chasing up to the small Kolaghan Outpost on the horizon. and let it be a copy of Hero's Blade, Cast Sai of the Shinobi, Dash Zurgo Bellstriker and attack for 9 Commander damage. Him who always had his watchful eye wander through his surroundings. Nice card to protect Zurgo against removal and serves as kind-of-removal against opponent's creatures. That being said, never seen just a B/R one since green is so much better at buffing and blue has some nice removal and Distortion Strike. Quasiduplicate came up in a recent article discussing the return of the Jump-start mechanic in March of the Machine: The Aftermath (spoiler warning). March of the Machine: The Aftermath: Release Date, Leaks, Spoilers & More. Who changed time. Pioneer [[Neoform]] is a deck that uses delve creatures such as [[Hooting Mandrills]] or [[Tasigur, the Golden Fang]] as expensive creatures to sacrifice to Neoform. Aggro Deck - You need 2 lands on turn 2 every game and 3 lands on turn 3 for several 3-drops. SPOILER: This deck is very very good | Video League & Deck Tech, This is more fun 'cause the Kiln Fiend does actual damage which freaks people out :) Only downside is that your spells only buff his power - so he's still vulnerable to Lightning Bolts, etc. 2023. But those who share your Spark, will desire it. One sacrifice outlet played in a previous turn is all you need past this point to chain death triggers and win the game. Complete Comment Tutorial! Very playable turn 3 win here: Turn 1: Training Grounds. The most immediate stopper to this deck is the fact that the kiln fiend can be blocked; these cards give a slight boost and trample. Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse are cheaper lands that can do the same thing. For websites and forums that support HTML (e.g. Good call on the cost though, it is a bit pricey. This annoying message will go away once you do. As he put on every object that was created through his new immense power, he instinctively knew how to wield every single one of them, as was part of his soul. Does the opponent have to many blockers? A planeswalker? You wouldn't want to use Fling with infect, as it would be dealing regular damage. This annoying message will go away once you do. ", Zurgo remembered all the thoughts that he was suddenly aware of just moments ago. There are a ton of budget reanimation effects available to Commander players. Most of my decks spend the first 3 turns simply ramping. Standard Selesnya Ramp by Matas Arvigo - 6 Hours Undefeated! With Dash that happens at least once a turn. Haste. o ok well thats really badass. This site 2023, LLC I know you have creature removal, but if they have more than one creature out on turn 3 you can only burn one and need a way around the others. Privacy statement | A strong jolt on the reins and his horse changed its way to the large shadows the sun created under those vast rocks. Check it out, give me any ideas or pointers for it if you have any. In their middle appeared a fiery orb that contained unbelievable magical power. I had never heard of Kiln Fiend! Since there are many cards that follow the same purpose I turn this section around and write the use of cards first and list all cards that belong under that topic. Post one card per line using a format like "4x Birds of Paradise" or "1 Blaze", you can even enter just the card name by itself like "Wrath of God" for single cards. This site 2023, LLC The core strategy that is bringing Hidetsugu and Kairi to power in budget circles is utilizing free instant and sorceries that starts a chain reaction and kills the table well, as soon as your Commander dies. Hero's Blade + Warstorm Surge + Zurgo Bellstriker, Erratic Portal + Warstorm Surge + Zurgo Bellstriker, Goblin Tunneler + Hero's Blade + Zurgo Bellstriker. its still iffy, but hella fun. Attention! Terms of Use | Submit a list of cards below to bulk import them all into your sideboard. BUY: $40432.19 Tix. It's my first try to make a competitive low budget Deck. Combo Contact | It's more consistent than what you've provided, has at least a bit more late-game potential, you know? Everything seemed to shine as bright as the sun itself and flames began to chase around Zurgo's body. Although it's more of a gimmick, it's a pretty cool one, I would say! Responsibility for comments, forum posts, messages and any other user-generated content lies with their respective authors. If your opponent hates your artifacts but you want them back. trey lance wonderlic score, aryan brotherhood news,
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